Multiple Case Study: Burnout dan Kepatuhan dalam Pengisian Formulir Laporan Anestesi pada Penata Anestesi di RSUD Karangasem
Latar Belakang: Burnout adalah suatu proses psikologis yang di bawa oleh stress pekerjaan yang menghasilkan kelelahan emosi, perubahan kepribadian, dan perasaan penurunan pencapaian. Kepatuhan penata anestesi sangat diperlukan dalam melaksanakan pendokumentasian dan pelaporan pelayanan anestesi. Tujuan: Menggali tingkat burnout dan kepatuhan penata anestesi dalam pengisian formulir laporan anestesi di Ruang Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD Karangasem.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2022 dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam (deep interview) tingkat burnout dan kepatuhan, serta dilakukan penilaian observasi secara langsung pengisian formulir laporan anestesi. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang penata anestesi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pada burnout, dimensi kelelahan emosional partisipan cenderung mengalami kelelahan emosional ringan. Dimensi depersonalisasi partisipan cenderung mengalami depersonalisasi pada kategori tinggi. Dimensi penurunan prestasi diri menunjukkan kategori rendah. Pada pengisian formulir assesmen pre anestesi, tidak terisi item riwayat pemakaian obat, riwayat operasi dan riwayat kebiasaan hidup. Pada monitoring intra anestesi tidak terisi item lama pembiusan dan lama pembedahan. Pada evaluasi pasca anestesi terisi lengkap kondisi pasien sebelum dipindahkan ke ruang rawat inap.
Kesimpulan: Secara keseluruhan, tingkat burnout penata anestesi termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Kepatuhan dalam pengisian formulir laporan anestesi termasuk dalam kategori patuh.
Kata Kunci: Burnout, Kepatuhan, dan Formulir Laporan Anestesi
Background: Burnout is a psychological process brought by stress at work that results in emotional fatigue, personality changes, and feelings of decreased achievement. Anesthetist compliance is necessary to carry out the documentation and reporting of anesthesia care. Purpose: To determine the burnout level and compliance in filling out the anesthesia report form among anesthesia at Karangasem Hospital.
Method: The research was conducted in April 2022 with qualitative approach. The data were collected through in-depth interviews burnout level and compliance, as well as direct observation assessments by filling out the anesthesia report form. There were 3 participants recruited in this study. Data were analyzed qualitative descriptive.
Result: The finding of this study showed that in burnout, participants experienced mild emotional exhaustion in the dimensions of emotional exhaustion. Participants tend to experienced high of depersonalized in depersonalization dimension. The dimension of decreasing self-achievement showed the low category. In filling out the pre-anesthesia assessment form, the items of drug use history, surgery history and life habits were not filled in. In intra-anesthesia monitoring, the items for duration of anesthesia and surgery were not filled in. In the post-anesthesia evaluation, the condition of the patient was filled in completely before being transferred to the inpatient room.
Conclusion: In general, the burnout rate of the anesthetists is in the moderate category. Compliance in filling out the anesthesia report form in the compliance category.
Keywords: Burnout, Compliance, and Anesthesia Report Form
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